I (in my past life) had to account to the government all the sales and tax collected less the depreciation, wages and purchases to arrive at a figure that we either owed or needed returned....don't ask me I was just the book keeper!!!! Anyhoos the months whizzed by and each quarterly reporting period seemed to get closer and closer together.
Now I have this circle project to mark my days, and I am still loving it.
31 days has March!
I am still managing to find the fabric each day that speaks to me, some days I will pass over a piece because its not doing it for me. Then the next day it will shine and that's the fabric for that day.
No rhyme no reason, just is.
I have subtle background differences and I will also make a conscious decision on them. I fully intend to have this quilt emerge in a chronological order. A lot like a diary. Good and not so great days. I have had a few. :-(
This was made from crumbs that I rescued from my scrap bin, I wanted to see how small I could go. I enjoyed tinkering but have realised that small crumbs can result in a muddy colour.
From a distance it just doesn't translate, it looks meh...muddy and confused. Lesson learned.
This was an extremely painful day, the day my sister sold our family home....somehow she neglected to tell me she was doing this.....a long story, and a very dysfunctional family. It hurt like he## but it has taught me that I have survived and I wont go back. This quilt will be testament to my personal journey.
I chose the words "kind" and "love", and the fact that now I have had "quite enough" of the bullying and abuse.
This has been a long dry start to the year and rain is required.
And I bought this fabric to make a shirt, never looked good as a garment and only really shines as a focal fabric. Again lesson learnt, but I do still love the design. Perfect for this project.
Back in 2011, I started collecting strips for a project.....
Now honey, could you please hold up this quilt so I can photograph it.
OK, step a little away from the door, more into the deck.
Yeah that's good...I would have liked to close the screen door and position it somewhere else, but I was only given 2 mins to get this done.
No, thanks honey, wont keep you much longer, looking good...1min 30 secs down.
Thanks!!! and with that he runs back inside drops the quilt on the table and scampers back to his man cave....you have to time these things and act fast folks.
But I am mighty pleased with this creation, the planning took a long time, the execution was steady and there its done and done.
The left over strips, perfect for the dolls size postage stamp quilt, wall hanging...I may actually get that quilted sooner rather than later.
You know I never see all the loose threads and lint until after I have taken the photo. I am blind to them, which explains my less than pristine home.
Could not for the life of me get this shot in focus, may be the light, maybe my bad eyesight. But I loved this project and could see a full quilt made this way maybe.
What I do in the evening, bright huh? Bought this to do on the plane when we were travelling now I must finish of course. Watching "House of Cards" on Netflix.
I know I must be the last person on the planet to be watching (OMG...can you believe that Frank Underwood!!! No don't spoil it for me I have just got to the bit where he is being nominated to VP. I am sorry if you have no idea about the side shoot of this conversation but I do love a good script and intelligent acting.)
I am getting there but its not relaxing.
So I also decided to add this to the list.
Great progress is being made.
There is more but I think we will leave it there for now, go make that cuppa tea now.